since 2009
Japanese notes.
注意!Windowsコンピュータからサイト内(BLOG, Proposal)の画像の一部が表示されないことが判明しました。IEは、よく見ると「Windows Internet Explorer」と書いてありますね。どうりで勝手なことをしているわけです。(以前はMicrosoft IEだったような気がするが)WinやMSのinternetをExploreするわけだね。
とはいえ、本家Safariの古いバージョンでも動作不良(インコンパチブル)です。申し訳ありません。Apple Computerに改善をお願い中です。
推奨ブラウザ: Google Chrome, Safari 4, Firefox, Opera
We, as individuals, sometimes move organizations or are forced to do so. But the essence of research subjects usually remains because it is not given by an organization but it is created by researchers themselves. In order to retain the rights associated to the research ideas that does not belong to any organization (it may belong to human being though), I decided to have my own home page emphasizing my mind does not belong or is not controlled by any organization. Researches may be carried out at different institutions which are just the place. The budget we use is just a money and it does not mean much.
Welcome to Glycoaware site
It seems that the sites I created using Apple iWeb 3 are not compatible with MSIE or WinIE. .
After several attempts on Win and Mac operating machines, I found that the Google Chrome is the best of the bests! It is amazing.
Osamu Kanie